Li had lost the Australian Open title after taking the first set and was determined not to let this opportunity slip away as well; she dominated the tiebreak with blistering ground strokes and good defense, capturing the title. 李娜在澳网拿下第一盘之后失利,和冠军擦肩而过,这次她决定不让机会溜走。她在抢七局占据了绝对的优势,勇猛的击球加上完美的防守,最终拿到了冠军。
Before you can open the box, you must sign a slip of paper. 你在开箱之前,必须在纸上签名。
Wear heavy gloves and open the trap only enough to slip the dish in. 穿着重的手套而且打开圈套唯一的充足滑倒盘子进入。
Remember that the open differential always applies the same torque to both wheels, and the maximum amount of torque is limited to the greatest amount that will not make the wheels slip. 记住,开式差速器总是运用于两轮转矩相等的情况下,最大扭矩受限于最大防滑系数的限制。
Divorced from the traditions of academic basic research, where the emphasis is on open information and profit is not the priority, standards begin to slip. 与强调信息公开化,盈利并非优先考虑的学术性基础研究的传统相悖离,研究行为的标准开始土崩瓦解。
Than I open the cover carefully and slip in. 然后,我小心亦亦的打开棺盖滑了进去。
On this base, the open slip system of nickel base single crystal alloy at high temperature condition has been determined from test data. 在此基础上,结合试验结果,对镍基单晶合金在高温环境下的开动滑移系类型进行确定。
UG and its secondary exploitation tools UG/ OPEN GRIP and UG/ OPEN API were used to develop programs for drawing of three-dimensional blade model slip on the basis of impeller machine blade data and achieve visualization. 采用UG软件的二次开发工具UG/OpenGrip和UG/OpenAPI开发了两种根据给定的叶轮机械叶片数据绘制出三维叶片模型片体的程序及实现可视化。
Maximum and minimum critical rates of deformation in open die extrusion are discussed on the basis of the slip field theory and the upper bound theory of plane state plastic deformation. 采用平面塑性变形的滑移线理论和上限理论对开式挤压成形工艺中的临界最小和临界最大变形率进行了分析计算,给出了挤压模角与临界最小和临界最大变形率的对应关系;
In our country, the Loaders generally use the common open and self-locking limited slip differential to decrease the shovel capacity reducing caused by the wheels skid. 国内装载机多通过采用普通开式和自锁式限滑差速器来减小由车轮打滑引起的装载机铲掘能力的降低。
The structure and working principle of open differential and limited slip differential are analyzed. Mathematical model of limited slip differential is established. The control method of hydraulic system is designed according to the need of limited slip differential. 确定执行系统方案:分析普通差速器和限滑差速器结构和工作原理,建立了限滑差速器数学模型,设计了液压控制系统压力调节方案并建立其数学模型。
Compared with open loop and closed loop control, the model based closed loop control is better than the open loop control, which can control ammonia slip. 通过对开环控制及闭环控制离线仿真的比较,说明基于模型的闭环控制优于开环控制,它能够控制氨气的泄漏,并且NOx限值达标。